University Library – Return of Publications
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University Library – Return of Publications

​​University Library – Return of Publications​​​

To the atte​​ntion of „Grigore T.Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy students

Dear students,

As you well know, at the end of each semester you must return to the Library (no.7, Vasile Alecsandri Street, Iasi headquarters) the coursebooks and the medical practical laboratories manuals, and at the end of the year you must return all publications borrowed from the library, until 31 July.
Given the epidemiological context, we will accept the return of borrowed publications by 14 August, 2020.

After 14 August, delay fines will be imposed in accordance with the current legislation and the Administration Board Decision no. 351 / 28.03.2019 - respectively 1 Ron / day / publication).
To help students who have already left Iasi city, the return of publications will be possible by express delivery for international deliveries (outside Romania) and by express delivery or by poste (send with confirmation of receiving) for internal deliveries (in Romania).
Besides the publications, the delivery package must contain:

Declaration (affidavit) on sending the package, which must include:
Student's name and surname
Phone no./email
Faculty/Study Year/RO/EN/FR.
The list with the publications to be returned (title, author, year of publishing, catalog number).
Total amount of send publications
Sending date
Sender's signature

Delivery packages must be sent to the following address:
Library of “Grigore T.Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi, no7.Vasile Alecsandri Street, 700054, Iasi, Romania
To the attention of the University Library Director
Ing. Carmen Bonciu

Attention ! Confirmation of reception validates receiving the delivery package, not the content. The package will be opened in the presence of at least to librarians, appointed by the library director, in order to check the content and perform the return.

If there are discrepancies between the list of publications in the declaration and the publications sent when opening the package, the sender will be notified by e-mail or by telephone, on the lack of publications. On the declaration will be noted the observations, including the delay in returning publications (calculated in number of days, as the difference between the date of receipt of the package - considered the date of return and the date of 14 August 2020 set as the deadline for return of publications). The declarations as well as the notifications sent by e-mail will be kept as proof until the problems are clarified. The delay fees for the publications received by courier / post office will be paid until 30 September 2020 at the library headquarters. In the absence of a declaration correctly filled in with all the required data, the publications will not be considered returned.

By choosing this type of return, the shipper assumes full payment of transport / delivery costs and risks associated with the shipment (loss of the package by the carrier).

We remind you that, regardless of how they are returned (directly or by post), the return of damaged publications (broken, underlined, missing sheets) is not accepted, especially for publications newly entered in the library (publications entered in the last 4 years). Damaged books will need to be replaced with new copies.​

In special cases, books may be returned on behalf of another person, but any problems (delays in return, damaged or lost publications, etc.) will be resolved only at the university library in the presence of the person who borrowed the publications or another person that he/she designates.